In Maryland, Virginia, and throughout the United States, workers in manufacturing and production plants face hazardous work environments every day. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), private industry employers reported 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2019, so the issue is clearly widespread.
If you or a loved one have been injured while working in a factory, you have a legal right to seek benefits and compensation for your injuries. Portner & Shure, P.A. and our Virginia and Maryland factory accident attorneys can help you pursue it through a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit.
Call us at (410) 995-1515 right now to learn more during a free consultation.
Industrial Accidents
Injuries to those in the manufacturing industry amounted to 15% of the total workplace injuries and illnesses, according to BLS data.
In the manufacturing industry, injuries occur in situations involving:
- Household appliance manufacturing
- Clay product and refractor manufacturing
- Machine shops
- Screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing
- Animal slaughtering and processing plants
- Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
If you were injured at work in one of these situations or another incident, you should reach out to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in your area. The attorneys at Portner & Shure have more than 30 years of experience protecting the rights of those who have been injured. We only obtain attorney fees if we win your case, so you can focus on your recovery while we focus on retrieving the maximum compensation available. When working with the lawyers at Portner & Shure, you can expect professional, skilled, and strong representation through all stages of the workers’ compensation process.
The typical workers’ compensation claim process usually includes:
- Filing your claim
- Negotiating a settlement
- Diligently pursuing the maximum recovery possible
- Appealing a denial of your claim
Use our experience to your advantage. We understand how insurance companies work to avoid paying victims and know how to fight back on your behalf. Our nationally recognized litigators work alongside you to obtain the justice and compensation you deserve.