Bail refers to the cash or bond provided to guarantee the defendant's appearance in court in return for the defendant's release until the court date or dates. By posting bail, bail bondsmen ensure a defendant's constitutional right to remain free from custody pending trial.
The main types include:
The Magistrate or the Judge can set the amount of the bail at their discretion. The Magistrate or the Judge will take into account such factors as:
Collateral must cover the amount of bail, as it backs the defendant's promise to show up in court. Some examples of collateral include vehicles, property, jewelry, stocks, bank accounts, and certain other assets.
The defendant must make the required court appearance(s) and the case must be decided. Then the collateral gets released and the bond gets exonerated (released from obligation) based on the court appearance and decision. You do not get back the money paid to a bondsman, as this amount is the bondsman's compensation for getting the defendant out of jail before the court appearance(s).
Bail bonding is a regulated industry in Virginia. A bail bond in Virginia usually costs 10%, which is the minimum mandated by law. 15% is the maximum. These percentages are set by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Systems (DCJS).
In this case, the court will issue an arrest warrant, and the co-signer (usually a family member or friend who arranges for bail) will become responsible for the bail's full amount.
The three main types of courts in Virginia where a case may be heard include:
If the Magistrate or the Presiding Judge of the bond hearing determines that the offense is such that bail is not warranted in this case, determines that there is reason to believe that the defendant might be a "flight risk" or the safety of the public might be compromised by granting the defendant bond, the defendant will be remanded to the Sheriff's Department and will remain in custody until the trial.
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