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Top 2 Mistakes Drivers Make Around Motorcyclists

There have been many studies showing the tragically high rate of motorcycle accidents throughout the country. What is striking about these accidents is that automobile drivers are often the other party in these collisions. The Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nearly half of all fatal motorcycle collisions were caused by a bike crashing into an automobile. Below are two ways that drivers of automobiles can help prevent motorcycle accident fatalities:

1) Look Twice: When making a left turn, double check to make sure that a motorcycle is not approaching. Due to the small size of motorcycles, drivers often misjudge their distance and speed. Furthermore, double check blind spots before changing lanes.

2) Give Enough Space: Motorcycles constantly must adapt to the conditions and obstructions in the road, more so than automobile drivers. This means that potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces pose a danger to motorcycles that are not posed to car drivers. Leave enough space between your vehicle and a motorcycle to ensure that they have a sufficient amount of space to avoid these obstacles.
