Associate Attorney, Christina Ruhl won a verdict of over $12,650.00 against State Farm in Anne Arundel County District Court. The defense had disputed both liability and damages. The Defendant claimed that the Plaintiff had pulled out from a stop sign and made a left turn in front of him, causing the collision. The Plaintiff, on the other hand, claimed that he had stopped at a stop sign, which was set far back from the travel lanes of the cross street. Intending to make a left turn, Plaintiff then inched forward to get a better view, but never into the thru lanes of the cross street. The Defendant, who was traveling at a high rate of speed swerved to the right, incorrectly thinking the Plaintiff might pull out in front of him. The Defendant struck Plaintiff where he was stopped and spun his vehicle almost 180 degrees into the intersection.
Ms. Ruhl used the physical evidence at the scene to prove that the Plaintiff never entered the path of the Defendant, and that Defendant’s swerving had caused the accident. The physical evidence included skid marks, the final resting locations of the vehicles, and other physical damage to the scene. After proving liability, Ms. Ruhl argued for her client’s medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Plaintiff recovered the full amount of his medical bills plus pain and suffering damages of $7,500 and lost wages of approximately $3,700, for a total verdict of over $12,650.00.
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