When you are injured in a workplace, many workers' compensation attorneys will do an adequate job of filing your claim. What sets apart experienced workers' compensation attorneys is that they know many workers' compensation cases can be filed alongside other forms of litigation, such as a personal injury claim.
Workers' compensation can provide benefits to the injured worker, such as disability and medical treatment expenses, but these payments can be low. What many clients do not realize is that workers' compensation does not provide any type of benefits for pain and suffering, nor does it offer any punitive damages to employers who may have provided dangerous work conditions.
Examples of when it may be advantageous to file another claim alongside a workers' compensation claim would be lawsuits for a defective or malfunctioned piece of machinery, unsafe work environment, or if a third party caused your injury. Furthermore, you may also be eligible for additional benefits from the government through Social Security disability insurance if your injury prevents you from being able to work.
It may be difficult for a layman, or even an inexperienced workers' compensation attorney, to truly understand when it is beneficial to file another lawsuit alongside a workers' compensation lawsuit. It is advised that you find a knowledgeable workers' compensation attorney who also has experience in personal injury and social security law.
Portner & Shure attorneys are well-known for their work in both personal injury and workers' compensation. In fact, Mr. Portner has been recognized by the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers organization.
What truly sets Portner & Shure apart from their competitors is that they are not only knowledgeable in multiple areas of law, but also are able to help clients who speak Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese. Our experienced Virginia workers' compensation attorneys understand the importance of catering to the diversity within the state of Virginia. We strive to advocate for clients of many different backgrounds and our philosophy has brought us the great success we have seen.
If you or a family member has been injured as a result of an accidental injury at work and would like a free legal consultation or if you would like more information on workers' compensation, please feel free to contact one of our top-rated Virginia workers' compensation lawyers at (410) 995-1515 or visit us online.
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