When a person is charged with a crime and arrested, the first major event in their case is a bail review hearing. This hearing is a critical event in a criminal case because it determines whether an individual remains in jail or if they go home while the charges are pending. Individuals who are granted excessive bail or denied bail are put at a serious disadvantage in a criminal case as it is more difficult for them to prepare their defense. Furthermore, people who are denied bail or unable to obtain bail will likely lose their job and their reputation in the community.
Our Bel Air, Maryland bail review attorneys from Portner & Shure are here to provide you all the guidance and representation you need to prepare for your bail review hearing. We have more than 30 years of total legal experience handling such cases.
Turn our experience into your own by calling us at today.
Bail Review Hearings in Harford County
The initial arrest is the first event in a criminal case. Within 24 hours of an arrest, an accused individual must be brought before a District Court Commissioner, who then decides whether there is probable cause to support the charges. This decision will influence the District Court Commissioner when setting bail, denying bail, or allowing the accused to be released on their own recognizance.
You are entitled to a bail review hearing in the District Court if you are denied bail or if the amount of bail is not affordable or seems egregious.
A District Court Judge can decide to:
- Increase the bail
- Decrease the bail
- Leave the bail unchanged
- Deny bail
- Release an individual on their own recognizance
The primary factors a judge uses to reach a decision are flight risk and public safety. When evaluating whether a person is a flight risk, a judge looks at the person’s ties to the community, such as their family, residence, education, and employment status. The defendant’s record for missing trial dates is also a major factor. When evaluating whether a person poses a public safety risk, a judge looks at the current criminal charges and past criminal charges and convictions.
What Sets Portner & Shure, P.A. Apart?
Representation at a bail review hearing is both an art and a science. Our Bel Air bail review attorneys at Portner & Shure, P.A. work with our clients and their families to build an effective argument as to why our client should be granted bail or released on their own recognizance. We can prepare effective presentations regarding our client’s lives and history to support their argument that the defendant will appear for court and do not pose a risk to the community.
We have been successfully representing clients in bail review hearings in Harford County and throughout Maryland for decades. Local prosecutors and judges know us, and they respect our word. When we represent you in a bail review hearing, our reputation can help boost your own.