Case Results
Maryland Medical Malpractice Attorney Settles Cerebral Palsy Case for $2.6 Million Dollars. A baby born at a local Maryland Hospital was injured at birth due to the negligence of both a hospital doctor and mid-wife. In short, the mother's placenta ruptured while in the hospital. She was not properly monitored and, as a result, her baby lost oxygen to his brain. The baby was delivered the next morning but was born brain damaged, with the resulting complication of Cerebral Palsy.
Northern Virginia Personal Injury Attorney Settles Pedestrian Accident Case for 2.15 Million Dollars. Our client, a mother, wife, and loved community member lost her life due to a negligent driver. The substantial injuries sustained by our client, eventually proved fatal. Our client was merely walking her three dogs within a crosswalk, when she was struck by a car. The Defendant received a citation from the police, and was found guilty in traffic court for failing to pay proper attention.
We sued this negligent driver and sought justice on behalf of our client and her family. In filing suit for negligence, wrongful death and survival, we made it abundantly clear that this driver should be held responsible for her total failure to yield to a pedestrian, and to pay adequate attention to her surroundings. This driver’s negligence cost this family everything.
Once the case was filed, Defense Counsel argued that our client could not recover because she was contributorily negligent, or in the alternative that this was an unavoidable accident (due to sun glare). Although there were no eyewitnesses, the Defendant pursued these theories vigorously.
Nonetheless, we were able to settle prior to trial. After two mediations, and extensive back-and-forth discussions, we settled this claim for 2.15 million dollars.
The Virginia State Bar requires that we provide a disclaimer whenever discussing case results. Each case is different, and results depend on a variety of factors unique to each case. Previous results are no assurance of success in future cases.
Plaintiff was exiting a bus on Viers Mill Road and Randolph Road when the Defendant's vehicle jumped the curb and struck her. The case was handled by Attorney, Jonathan Portner and Claims Supervisor, Sandy Horseman.
Our three clients were t-boned by a speeding defendant attempting to beat a red light. The reckless driver caused a motor vehicle accident leading to extensive injuries to the driver and one of the passengers in the vehicle. The other passenger in the rear of the vehicle died from injuries sustained in the accident. Our client’s vehicle was destroyed in the crash and deemed a total loss.
The Plaintiff was a passenger in the vehicle of the Defendant when the Defendant lost control of his vehicle and crossed over the center line and struck another vehicle head on. The Plaintiff died as a result of the accident. For confidentiality purposes the names of the parties cannot be disclosed.
Defense claimed that the Plaintiff was only entitled to recover from the limits of the Defendant driver's policy and not the owner of the vehicle's insurance policy, which was a commercial policy.
Parties involved remain confidential in this contested liability wrongful death case.
Plaintiff was the parent of a minor child who died as a result of the negligence of a nurse. The minor child was mentally challenged and required the use of a breathing tube in order to maintain proper oxygen levels. A specific order was signed by the physician in charge, requiring constant supervision, of the child and the use of proper restraints to protect the breathing tube. At some point, the minor child removed the breathing tube and subsequently entered into a coma, and ultimately died.
The defendant nurse maintained that she had given appropriate supervision, however, discovery and review of the medical records reflected that she had stepped away from the child's room while he was unrestrained. The record indicated that a sufficient amount of time had passed for the child to suffer an anoxic event after removing the breathing tube, which ultimately led to his death.
The case was further complicated by a state medicare lien which exceeded three hundred thousand dollars. Kevin Ruby negotiated more than a 75% reduction of the medicare bill, which enabled the case to settle.
Description of accident: Client was riding his bike on Ox Road near the intersection of Ashburton Road when he was struck by a truck and knocked off his bike.
Injuries: Client suffered abrasions to his face and left arm, road rash, left rib contusion and soft tissue injuries to his left and right knees.
The accident at issue occurred when the defendant truck driver changed lanes and collided with the vehicle in which minor child was a passenger. Minor’s mom was the driver, minor was a nine-year old third grader at the time of the collision.
After the accident, minor was rushed to King’s Daughter’s Hospital where he was stabilized and observed over three days. Next, he was transferred to Children’s Hospital where he was intubated, given sedation and placed in the ICU. Diagnosis was multiple head and facial fractures as well as traumatic brain injury. Initial findings were fractures of the frontal bones, frontal sinuses, left facial fractures, and non-displaced right sinus wall fracture.
Surgery was performed for all of the above. Thereafter, minor spent two weeks in rehab at NRH Rehab Hospital. Subsequent outpatient evaluations indicated that since the brain injury was to the frontal lobe, future impairment would include learning issues.
Medical expenses totaled over $400,000. Agency Insurance Company refused to fairly negotiate and as a result suit was filed. Several other plaintiffs, in another car, also filed suit. Total available insurance coverage for all parties was one million dollars.
A dispute over case value, as well as what percentage should be allotted to minor ensued. Ultimately, all the cases settled within the $1,000,000 policy, and over ninety-five percent of the policy went to minor, $969,000.00.
Parent and Legal Guardian of Minor Child vs. W. Bats.
Wrongful death action arising from a collision on March 25, 2019, in Washington County, Maryland. Plaintiff was traveling westbound on Boonsboro Pike near its intersection with Mill Point Road. Defendant B, had a stop sign at the intersection. B failed to stop and a horrific collision ensued.
Cell phone and vehicle module data records obtained during discovery revealed that Defendant B failed to stop because he was not paying attention and was possibly on the phone. Plaintiff was killed in the crash. His estate pursued a non-economic damages for over sixty hours of pain and suffering that the decedent experienced between the collision and his death.
Plaintiff’s wife also made a claim for (a) loss of companionship; married over 40 years, and (b) loss of support; c) and mental anguish.
Plaintiff’s daughter and son made a claim for loss of companionship and support (visited at work on lunch or talked on a daily basis, breaks and on weekends), as well as mental anguish.
Defendant was represented by counsel for Erie Insurance Company. Defendant argued that prior to the collision Defendant was 73 years old. He was a daily smoker with a serious heart condition. As a result, Defendant argued it was unlikely that a Washington County jury would award more than $500,000.
Simran Rahi and Mr. Portner disagreed and argued that Plaintiff was responsible regardless and that a jury would sympathize with the family. The case settled at mediation for $750,000.
Fairfax County car accident claim, wrongful death. No offer prior to our filing a lawsuit. Client was a passenger. The claim was presented again Virginia Department of Transportation and a private contractor for not properly marking a work zone. As a result of the negligent placing of the cones, the driver of our vehicle hit a barrier wall killing the passenger, our client. Defense claimed the driver of the vehicle in which our client was a passenger was intoxicated and was contributory negligent. The Defense further alleged that our client, the passenger, was aware of the driver's intoxication and was therefore also contributory negligent. Given the horrendous nature of the accident and the fatalities involved, the defendants agreed to settle the claim before a trial in front of a jury.
Claim against James River Insurance Company (Uber). Alexandria Virginia accident claim. Client sustained an elbow fracture and multiple rib fractures. Elbow injury required surgery. Medical bills totaled $150,000. There was minimal permanency. Again, Mr. Portner was able to argue that the client’s daily activities were still adversely affected by the elbow injury and would continue to be.
Claim against Nationwide Insurance Company. Chantilly, Virginia accident claim. Numerous fractures along with high hospital bills. Client refused to accept anything less than the full policy. Ultimately Nationwide agreed and settled for the full available coverage.
Our clients were approaching an intersection when the defendants failed to yield the right of way and T-boned our vehicle occupied by a husband, wife, and child. The driver sustained a hip fracture which required surgery. The total available insurance coverage was $250,000 with State Farm. Mr. Portner was able to obtain the entire amount of coverage and resolve the lien issues so no outstanding medicals came out of the recovery.
Her husband, a front seat passenger, sustained multiple fractures and his case resolved for $156,000 with no medicals deducted from his net recovery.
This case involved a Harford County car accident claim. Our client was operating her vehicle when the other party crossed the double yellow lines on Route 1 and struck her vehicle. This strong impact caused her vehicle to spin out of control and she was struck again on the passenger side by another vehicle.
The at-fault party was cited for Driving While Impaired by Alcohol and was subsequently placed on supervised probation.
As a result of this collision, our client suffered fractures of her pelvis, left tibia and multiple ribs. She also suffered a liver laceration and ankle laceration. Multiple surgeries were required, and our client remained hospitalized in the intensive care unit for 3 weeks.
Given the egregious nature of the accident and the resulting damages, the defendant agreed to settle the claim for close to the policy limit of $500,000. In negotiating, our firm had to persuade another claimant that her recovery from the available coverage was minimal. Further, Medicare and insurance liens were drastically reduced.
Motorcycle accident where our client was the motorcyclist and the Defendant made an illegal left turn directly in front of him. Client suffered broken bones in his foot and required surgery. Suit was filed because treatment was going to extend past the statute of limitations. Suit was filed in Fairfax County Circuit Court. After suit was filed and depositions were taken, liability was accepted by the primary insurer and their coverage extended. At the same time, the underinsured motorist coverage made no additional settlement offers. After a review of independent medical examinations and proposed testimony of plaintiff’s experts, the defense attorney resumed negotiations just weeks before trial. At that point, a settlement agreement was reached.
Fairfax County, Virginia accident wherein the client sustained disc herniations at L4 and L5 requiring surgery. Medicals totaled $90,000. Mr. Portner argued future lost wages amounted to several years of lost income. Carrier initially disagreed. Case settled after Mr. Portner had the suit filed and the defendant was served.
We were able to settle this slip and fall case in Loudon County Virginia against a national telecommunications provider after mediation. No offer was provided pre-suit. After extensive discovery, including, party, corporate, and physician depositions, this case was settled two weeks after the mediation for $400,000. At mediation, we argued that our client was not contributorily negligent and that the telecommunications provider breached the standard of care.
On November 15, 2008, the Plaintiff was carefully walking down the steps at or near the main entryway to the apartment building located at 9923 Good Luck Road, Lanham, Maryland 20706, when she stepped to the right to avoid stepping in a puddle and fell over the ledge leading to the lower level apartment's balcony. The Plaintiff alleged that her fall occurred because the Defendants failed to place a railing in between the walkway and the drop off to the lower level balcony. The Plaintiff suffered from significant injuries to her right knee, requiring surgery.
Defendant filed numerous motions to strike the Plaintiff's case, maintaining that there was insufficient evidence to reflect that they had done anything wrong. They claimed that because the building was over 50 years old at the time of the fall a lack of a railing did not violate the Prince George's County Building Code and that even if there was a current violation, that they were "grandfathered" in. The Prince George's County Circuit Court Judge, denied their Motions, and the case proceeded to trial.
At trial, Plaintiff presented evidence that a railing was required, and that because the apartment management company had done retro-fit work on the apartment, just months before the Plaintiff's fall, that the "grandfathering" argument was not applicable. Furthermore, the Plaintiff presented evidence that the area where the Plaintiff fell was inherently dangerous and needed to be corrected.
After deliberation, the Jury awarded the Plaintiff $366,000.00 in damages.
Client was given morphine to take home after gall bladder surgery. Plaintiff died to the fact he was allergic to morphine.
Our client was the driver of a motorcycle when the defendant stopped suddenly causing the collision. Our client suffered a severely broken leg. Our client has permanent leg injuries and may require future treatment. Suit was filed because the insurance carrier would not respond timely to our demand. Suit was filed in Prince William County Circuit Court. After suit was filed and opposing counsel was assigned a mediation was scheduled. Treatment: 2 Surgeries to repair broken leg. Hospitalized multiple times. James River Insurance settled at mediation for $360,000. Medical expenses of $100,000 were paid outside of the settlement by health insurance and were not deducted from the recovery.
Rear-end accident where our client was hit in her work vehicle while stopped at a red light in Loudoun County, Virginia. Client suffered injuries to her neck, back, and right shoulder, with the neck and shoulder requiring surgery. Client was not able to work after the accident due to a permanent shoulder injury. Suit was filed because our client’s medical expenses and lost wages exceeded the Defendant’s insurance policy and no offer of settlement was made. Suit was filed in Loudoun County Circuit Court. No offer was made until after depositions were completed. The case was mediated before a retired Supreme Court of Virginia Judge and settled just weeks before trial. A workers’ compensation lien of almost $500,000.00 was negotiated and reduced at the same time as counsel for the Plaintiff worked with both defense attorneys to resolve the claim.
Our client was driving on Clarksville Pike, Route 108. Defendant crossed over the double yellow line and struck her car head on. Our client experienced chest, back, and head pain.
She was rushed to University of Maryland Shock Trauma. Diagnosis was “sternal fracture” and back pain. Her back pain continued thereafter necessitating a L5 laminectomy.
Medicals totaled approximately $122,000. The carrier argued that the back injury was in part pre-existing. Mr. Portner and Grace were able to settle the claim for $350,000.
Client was traveling straight through a green light on Canal Road. The defendant was traveling in the opposite direction on Canal Road. He failed to yield the right of way while making a left turn and struck client's vehicle on the passenger side.
Our client was traveling eastbound on Route 7 near the intersection with Battlefield Parkway. Our client was rear-ended and sustained several broken ribs, a fractured sternum, as well as a serious concussion. The concussion resulted in memory loss. The liability carrier was USAA. The carrier contended that the memory loss was in part pre-existing to our 70-year-old client. With the threat of litigation, the case was resolved for the policy limits of $400,000 by Mr. Portner. All medicals were paid by health insurance and under Virginia law, the carrier had no right to subrogation.
The client’s injuries were largely soft tissue. However, Plaintiff had an expert who testified that regardless of that fact, the injuries had not resolved. As a result, Plaintiff had a significant loss of income claim. Defense counsel argued our case was ridiculous and had little or no value.
Plaintiff was walking across the street when the Defendant-driver crashed into her. The policy limits were $250,000. However, attorneys Jonathan Portner & Simran Rahi were able to secure another $10,000 from the Defendant-driver personally.
Defense Counsel raised the issue of contributory negligence based on Plaintiff’s alleged lack of due care in speeding up prior to crossing the street. A video taken prior to the accident did show the Plaintiff “speeding up,” which the investigating police officer pointed out. Nonetheless, we were able to persuade the other side and prevailed.
Automobile accident in Loudoun County, Virginia where our client was hit head-on by a drunk driver who was coming down Route 28 in the wrong direction. The defendant had a 0.17 blood alcohol concentration, therefore, punitive damages were possible. Our client’s vehicle had extensive damage and was deemed a total loss. Client suffered broken ribs, laceration on his right hand requiring stitches, and a dislocated shoulder. Suit was filed because the liability carrier failed to conclude their coverage investigation in a timely manner. Well after suit was filed, Nationwide made a $150,000 offer. After arguing with the liability adjuster, a new offer of $250,000 was extended and the case was settled.
Our client was run over by a shopping cart that was being pushed by a volunteer in a cafeteria on the Quantico Virginia Base. Our client suffered from a broken foot, and as a result of that injury, she developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). At first, there appeared to be no insurance coverage because the defendant was volunteering her time at the base and had no employer at the time. After substantial investigation, it was determined that the defendant owned a home. After initial denials, her homeowner’s policy was forced to provide coverage for Plaintiff’s injuries. There was an argument that there was no negligence on the part of the defendant because this type of occurrence happens every day and this type of injury is not foreseeable in a shopping cart accident. Counsel for Plaintiff also negotiated Tricare liens in order to maximize the client’s recovery.
Our client’s vehicle was stuck in an accident in Gretna, VA while traveling 50mph. Among other injuries, our client suffered a displaced and fractured patella, requiring corrective open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) surgery and extensive follow-up care with orthopedics and physical therapy. Immobilized, on crutches, and unable to work for a year, our client was awarded a $250,000 settlement for his immense pain and injuries. Even in the absence of health insurance, our client will pocket more than $100,000 of this award due to reductions of his medical bills.
Plaintiff was a passenger in a ride-share vehicle when the Defendant-driver failed to maintain proper control of his vehicle and slammed into another vehicle.
At the time of this accident, Plaintiff was pregnant. She sustained a right radial shaft fracture with associated dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint. Surgery was recommended and performed.
Based on her extensive injuries, her medical expenses amounted to $79, 933.57. However, we were able to work with her providers and get these bills reduced by approximately one-third.
The insurance company was very narrow-minded on the bills they would consider, initially. The carrier indicated it was a “fair offer.” After four months of negotiations, the carrier was persuaded to consider all of the bills.
The insurance company also did not want to provide significant pain and suffering damages; however, we emphasized our client’s suffering throughout the entire case and were able to recover $ 245,000.
Client sustained both a herniated disc and disc bulges from the accident. While neither required surgery, the injuries left him unable to perform his job as a contractor. Case settled against Donegal Insurance Company for $240,000 after we were able to successfully prove the future lost wage claim.
Our client was a passenger in a car being operated by a Lyft driver. The driver failed to pay proper attorney and crashed into a tree. After the accident, our client was rushed to Reston Hospital. Diagnosis was clavicle fracture. The fracture required surgery. Not surprisingly the hospital bill was extremely high.
Christine Phong was able to obtain a large reduction from the hospital billing department. Mr. Portner was able to convey the seriousness of a clavicle fracture and the pain involved. The case settled after a month of negotiations for $237,000. Due to the large hospital reduction, the client was extremely happy with his net recovery.
In September of 2022, Portner and Shure recovered $220,000 on behalf of our client who was severely injured due to a negligent driver in Fairfax County, Virginia. Our client, who was wearing a seatbelt, was struck in a head-on collision and the airbags deployed. The car was not drivable after the accident and our client was transported by ambulance to the hospital.
As a result of the accident, our client suffered a fractured thumb, two different fractures of the right forearm, and a wrist injury which required surgery. The surgery involved the insertion of wires, pins, and a permanent large screw. Unfortunately, after the initial surgery, our client had three subsequent surgeries to remove the pins and wires.
Our client initially had some difficulty describing his pain and suffering without the use of an interpreter. Our staff quickly matched our client with a Spanish interpreter who understood his concerns. As a team, our Portner & Shure interpreter and our client were able to document the extent of his injuries and the impact the collision had on his life.
Our client, a small business owner, relied on the use of his hands to run his business. The Defendant accepted liability in the dispute, and Portner & Shure was able to settle and recover substantial compensation for our client.
Our client was involved in a 4 car pile-up in Baltimore City. He was rear-ended by a privately owned coach bus and smashed into the car in front of him. He suffered a fracture of his right humerus that required surgery. After missing more than 45 days of work and attending multiple orthopedic and physical therapy visits following surgery, our client was still suffering in his work and personal life as a result of this auto accident. All medical treatment and lost wages were accepted by Travelers Insurance.
Health insurance paid most of the bills so the client netted the majority of their settlement. The initial offer was $100,000 and the case resolved for $210,000.
The accident at issue occurred when the defendant ran over the left ankle of our client. A MRI revealed a tear of the tendon. Conservative care was not successful and as a result a left ankle arthroscopy was performed to fix the ankle.
The carrier argued that our client had minor surgery and recovered well. As a result, an offer of just $125,000 was made by State Farm. Suit was filed and the case settled in litigation after discovery for $200,000.
Our client was t-boned in an intersection in Hanover County, VA by a driver running a red light at 45 mph. Our client's initial symptoms were soft-tissue injuries only. However as the weeks progressed, our client developed sepsis due to a lacerated and subsequently infected liver, requiring a five-day hospitalization. Our client then returned to physical therapy to tend to his soft-tissue injuries in his neck and back. Weeks later, he developed a painful case of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in his left knee likely due to his sedentary position mandated by injuries sustained in the accident. We obtained a $200,000 settlement for our client's injuries, lost wages, pain, and suffering. Even without health insurance, our client is receiving a sizeable portion of this settlement amount due to medical bill reductions.
A Chinese speaking family was traveling on Macarthur Boulevard when another vehicle crossed the center line causing a head-on collision. Mr. H suffered numerous lacerations, closed head injury, bilateral orbital fractures and sinus and nasal bone fractures. In addition, there was a right acetabular fracture. Surgery was performed.
Mrs. H suffered a nondisplaced fracture of her T1, compression fracture, sternum fracture, several disc bulges, and 6 rib fractures. Back surgery was performed.
Jonathan Portner, the managing partner and member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the National Trial Lawyers was able to settle this claim for State Farm's policy of $200,000 respectively for each of these non-English speaking clients.
Claim against Nationwide. Prince William Virginia auto accident claim. Client sustained a wrist fracture. Medicals bills totaled $74,000. Slight permanency. Mr. Portner along with Elizabeth helped persuade the carrier that the client’s activities were still affected by wrist pain and decreased mobility. Bills were covered by health insurance and the carrier had no right to subrogation.
Carrier presuit argued that all of clients back issues were pre-existing. As a result, no offer was made presuit. Suit was filed in Loudoun County Circuit Court. The case settled approximately one month prior to trial.
Automobile accident where our client was cut off by the defendant who made an illegal left turn and then hit our client head-on. Our client’s vehicle had extensive damage and was deemed a total loss. Client suffered abrasions and numbness to her arms and hands, as well as soft tissue injuries to her neck and back. Liability insurance had a minimal policy of just $30,000, so an underinsured motorist (UIM) claim was created as well. The $30,000 policy was offered by liability insurance. After several weeks of negotiations by Mr. Portner and Ms. Phong with the UIM carrier, an offer of $150,000 was accepted.
This Loudoun County Virginia car accident closed in part due to a mistake made by the defendant’s in litigation. During discovery defense counsel had our client seen for an IME with Dr. Hope. Dr. Hope wrote a typical IME report down playing the client’s injuries. Defense counsel and Dr. Hope failed to realize that Dr. Hope had seen the client for a treating consult. There, his opinion was different.
While driving home from work on Ashburn Road at its intersection with Gloucester Parkway, our client yielded to a fire truck. As soon as she stopped, she was violently rear-ended by a Geico insured vehicle. She struck her head on the steering wheel and her car was pushed across the road. Immediately thereafter she was rushed by ambulance to Fairfax Hospital, where she was diagnosed with a right-sided nerve root encroachment.
For nearly a year, she underwent physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic care and saw a neurologist for persistent headaches. Additional diagnosis was post-concussion syndrome.
Medical bills were all paid by health insurance. The carrier had no right of subrogation. The client’s issues with her neck and back fully resolved in treatment. The value of a slow to resolve concussion was argued back and forth. The case settled for $155,000.
Progressive Insurance Company
Our client was riding his bicycle when the Defendant made a sudden left turn and struck him. The client’s right foot was crushed between the car and the bike. Progressive was the liability carrier and ultimately tendered a $100,000 policy when it became apparent our client required foot surgery. USAA then was persuaded to tender an additional $50,000 as a result of UIM coverage. Medicals were paid by health insurance. Tricare noted a lien of approximately $84,000, which our paralegal Diane Lazo was able to reduce to $33,000.
At the time of this accident, our client was a passenger in a car driven by his older sister. The car was T-boned after Defendant failed to stop at a stop sign. The police cited the negligent defendant-Driver for failing to maintain control and stop at a posted stop sign.
This young person was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with a spleen laceration and concussion. She required in-hospital treatment. Even after being released from the hospital, our client required to care for the prolonged headaches and dizziness because of her concussions.
Our client had substantial medical bills, amounting to approximately $75,000. However, we were able to get these bills reduced by nearly half, thus providing more benefits directly to our client. After thorough negotiations, we were able to settle for $150,000.
Plaintiff was on vacation with her family at the resort and was enjoying a day of snow tubing. As the plaintiff hurdled down the slope she was unable to stop and crashed into a wall injuring her knee. The insurance company for the resort argued that the plaintiffs claim would be barred by the Virginia Timshare Immunity Act. Further, the resort argued that all customers sign a waiver form for negligence and assumption of risk that protects the resort from liability. Jonathan Portner and Sandy Horseman successfully proved to the insurance company that their defenses were without merit and would not prevail at trial.
Our client was a passenger in a car that was t-boned by an Allstate insured vehicle. Liability was not in dispute since the defendant ran a stop sign.
Our client was a young teenager who sustained a lacerated spleen and experienced concussions that were slow to resolve. Arguing the severity of concussion symptoms depends solely on eliciting from the client their experiences with the difficulties they encountered due to the headaches and dizziness over a period of time. This was illicted in great detail with the help of the client’s parents and the case resolved for $150,000.
Our client was a passenger in a Chrysler when it was struck by a tractor-trailer. The tractor-trailer had failed to yield the right of way while making a left turn.
Based upon the large impact, our client sustained fractures to her finger and rib. She required surgery to repair her fractured finger.
However, as the defense argued, our client’s medical expenses amounted to less than $40,000.
We explained to the insurance company that because our client had a pre-existing condition of Parkinson’s disease, the requisite surgery and her recovery were extremely difficult.
After back-and-forth negotiations, we convinced the insurance company to settle at $150,000.
In the spring of 2022, Portner & Shure recovered $150,000 on behalf of a client who was severely injured due to a negligent driver in Washington, D.C. The lawsuit was filed in Prince George’s County Circuit Court after the James River Insurance Company refused to offer more than $25,000.
Our client was driving straight through an intersection when the Defendant turned left directly into our client’s right of way and negligently caused a collision. The Defendant was issued a citation for failing to yield to our client.
Our client suffered various injuries, including a concussion and a shoulder labrum tear that required surgery. Our team was prepared to go to trial after receiving a low settlement offer, but the Defendant subsequently admitted liability and our client was able to settle and recover substantial compensation.
Claim against Erie Insurance Group. Maryland car accident claim. Client required right shoulder arthroscopy. No permanency. Rehabilitation was done over approximately four months.
Automobile accident action arising from a collision on June 18, 2021. Our client was traveling Northbound on Clark Station Road and was struck by the at-fault driver at the intersection of Old Donaldson Road and Clarke Station. The airbags in our client’s vehicle were deployed and her car was undriveable after the accident.
As a result of the accident, our client fractured a metacarpal in her left hand and suffered from a displaced fracture of a metacarpal on her right hand. Our client required a splint for her left head. Unfortunately, our client required surgery on her right hand which involved the placement of pins.
Jonathan Portner was able to settle the case and recover $140,000 on behalf of the Firm’s client.
Our client sustained permanent injuries due to the negligence of an intoxicated driver. The client swerved to avoid the collision causing the vehicle to go into a ditch and catch fire. Our client sustained bilateral broken heels, 2nd degree burns and sciatic nerve damage. After months of treatment, our client was diagnosed with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome which unfortunately does not have a cure as of today. Due to the nature of our client’s injuries, and the limited available insurance coverage, the at fault insurance company tendered its $100,000 limits upon request of policy limits. While the client’s insurance company provided 35,000. Our Paralegal, Beth Arbogast, had to obtain extensive reductions from the health insurance carrier. In the end, almost all liens and bills were written off. Our client netted over fifty percent of the total settlement offer.
This accident occurred when the Defendant was driving a tractor-trailer in the HOV lane on I-66. He apparently saw a police officer and attempted to quickly switch out of that lane undetected. In doing so, he struck our client’s vehicle. Our client’s car was dragged six hundred (600) feet off the road, striking a jersey wall. The Defendant was cited for the accident and had a suspended license at the time.
As a result of this accident, our client sustained a broken wrist and a medial meniscus tear. Knee surgery was recommended to repair the tear. Our client endured this surgery, and then went to months of physical therapy. He had medical expenses of approximately $37,000.
To obtain the best possible result for our client, in the timeliest manner possible, attorney Simran Rahi represented our client in a mediation. After back-and-forth negotiations, the insurance company offered $135,000.
Our client was a passenger in the vehicle of the defendant (Allstate Insured). The defendant made an unsafe left turn in front of opposing traffic and was struck on the passenger side. Our client had to be assisted out of the vehicle as he sustained a broken sacrum and broken wrist. He was hospitalized following the accident and had a long road to recovery from these injuries once discharged from the hospital.
Health insurance paid most of the bills so the client netted the majority of their settlement. Initial offer was $75,000 and the case resolved for $134,422.
Our client was rear-ended while at a complete stop. The impact caused him to sustain injuries to his back, neck, and left shoulder. Treatment lasted for 10 months which included shoulder surgery as well as pain management and physical therapy. Due to the considerable treatment and injury we were able to obtain policy limits from the at fault insurance carrier Progressive as well as an substantial offer from the client’s own insurance. Our Paralegal, Beth Arbogast, had to obtain extensive reductions from multiple providers as well as a massive reduction from the health insurance carrier. In the end almost all liens and bills were written off.
In this case, our client was shopping with her friends and family at Chesapeake Marketplace. As she walked towards the store, she stepped on an extremely uneven and broken piece of concrete. She was rushed to the hospital for evaluation.
After extensive testing, she was diagnosed with a Lisfranc fracture dislocation with disruption of the Lisfranc ligament, and an intra-articular fracture of the lateral plantar base of the fourth metatarsal. She eventually required surgery, including an open reduction, and surgical fusion.
She required follow-up physical therapy. Despite enduring this surgery, our client required an additional ankle arthroscopy and removal of deep hardware.
Liability in this case was contested, and suit was filed. American National made no offer prior to suit. However, once suit was filed, the insurance company tendered $130,000. Thus, we were able to settle the matter prior to trial.
Aggravation case. Client had rotator cuff surgery 3 months prior to the accident. Prior lumbar surgery, and knee issues. Claims all were aggravated. Treatment largely physical therapy. Medicals totaled $18,000.
At the time of this accident, our client was just 21-years old. He was a front-seated passenger when the car he was in was struck head-on. He sustained a complete anterior cruciate ligament tear, which required surgery. This surgery involved replacing a tendon, and securing a screw in his knee permanently. Our client missed thirteen weeks of work due to this accident.
After providing the insurer with substantial lost-wage information, they agreed to consider this as an aspect of the claim. Naturally, there was a dispute as to what percentage of the knee injury was pre-existing.
After thorough back-and-forth negotiations, the insurance company agreed to raise their initial offer, and settle this matter for $125,000.
Pedestrian seriously injured in Prince George County case resolved in September 2021.
Our client was walking when he was hit by a vehicle that was making a U-turn at an intersection in Prince George County, MD. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. The impact left our client with significant injuries to his head, legs, and shoulders. In addition, he sustained a nondisplaced skull fracture. All of this caused our client, Mr. Shen to be forced to use a wheeled walker to be able to move around. When our client finished his treatment and his paralegal, Christine Phong, gathered all the medical bills and records, she submitted the demand to the at-fault party’s insurance, GEICO. The carrier at first low call the claim. The adjuster hinted that Mr. Shen might have difficulty conveying his damages since he only spoke Chinese. After several rounds of negotiations, Christine Phong with the help of the attorney, Jonathan Portner, to settle of the case with a final offer of $122,000.00. Christine speaks Chinese Mandarin and was able to pull from our client each and every aspect of his pain and suffering.
Claim against State Farm. Vienna, Virginia accident claim. Client sustained multiple fractures and was admitted to Fairfax Hospital. Experienced cognitive impairment. Case resolved for all the available insurance company.
Claim against USAA Insurance Company. Columbia, Maryland automobile accident claim. Client’s medical expenses were under $20,000. The case centered around a large lost wage claim. After the Mediation, defense counsel agreed the policy should be offered.
Columbia, Maryland automobile accident claim resulted in the client having a neck fusion. Case settled for the total combined coverage. Liability and UIM. Medical expenses totaled $60,000. Amy was able to get expenses reduced to $18,000. Client came to Portner & Shure after firing another law Firm that could not handle the medical lien issue.
Client was a passenger in a vehicle that struck a tree. Injury was a right femur fracture. Health insurance had no right of subrogation in Virginia for these medical bills. As a result, client was able to net the majority of the liability policy.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that lost control and crashed into a tree. The impact caused our client to be seen at Sentara Hospital and then due to the severity of his injuries he was seen two days later at Inova Fairfax. Our client sustained a fracture to his neck, treatment lasted for 14 months. The client’s health insurance paid for all of his treatment. Negotiations back and forth with the health insurance carrier led to them to reduce in favor of our client. Due to the nature of our client’s injuries, and the limited available insurance coverage, the insurance company tendered its $100,000 limits upon request of policy limits. As a result, our client netted the majority of the liability policy. In cases with serious issues and limited liability coverage, success or failure on the Law Firm’s end, depends on our ability to effectively reduce insurance liens.
Client was rear ended while at a stop. The impact caused him to be transported to the hospital for evaluation. Treatment lasted for 18 months, leading to permanency, and the need for future treatment. Medicals exceeded the available insurance coverage. Geico tendered policy limits after a full review of treatment records. Our Paralegal, Beth Arbogast, had to obtain extensive reductions from multiple providers as well as a massive reduction from the health insurance carrier. In the end almost all liens and bills were written off.
In this case, our client was merely trying to hitch a ride. He was a passenger (along with other passengers) in the process of entering the Defendant’s vehicle. Despite the car door still being open, the Defendant Driver began to back up the car. As a result of the Defendant’s negligence in moving the car while our client attempted to enter, the car tire ran over his left foot.
He suffered a serious foot fracture. Our client required foot surgery two weeks later, and physical therapy for four months.
Although liability was somewhat in dispute, after extensive back-and-forth negotiations, Geico offered the policy limit of $100,000.
The accident at issue occurred when the defendant swerved into the lane of traffic where the client was driving a mail truck. A serious collision ensued. Liability was not in dispute. The medicals were paid by health insurance. Our paralegal, Grace, was able to then gewt the bills waived. The policy of 100,000 was tendered The bulk of the policy went to the client. The client suffered injuries to his left shoulder, arm, wrist, and neck requiring surgery.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck at a high speed by a vehicle that ran a stop sign. The impact caused out client to be med EVAC’d directly to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma. Upon arrival she was diagnosed with a torn aorta, internal bleeding, torn carotid artery, three broken vertebrae, right ribs broken and right fractured Hip and pelvis.
Unfortunately, this client has been permanently impaired and will need continuous future treatment. Due to the nature of our client’s injuries, and the limited available insurance coverage, the insurance company tendered its $100,000 limits upon request of policy limits.
As a result, our client netted the majority of the liability policy. In cases with serious issues and limited liability coverage, success or failure on the Law Firm’s end, depends on our ability to effectively reduce insurance liens.
Our client was rear-ended at the intersection of Route 175 and Washington Blvd. The impact caused blunt chest trauma that required surgery. Allstate’s policy was $100,000. Medicals, after reductions obtained by the law firm, were almost entirely reduced to zero. Mr. Portner was able to obtain the policy and net the client a substantial amount.
Our client sustained permanent injuries due to a head-on collision that occurred in Howard County, Maryland. Due to the nature of our client’s injuries, and the limited available insurance coverage, the insurance company tendered its $100,000 limits upon request of policy limits. The client’s health insurance paid for all of her treatment. Negotiations back and forth with the health insurance carrier led to them waiving the entire lien. As a result, our client netted the majority of the liability policy. In cases with serious issues and limited liability coverage, success or failure on the Law Firm’s end, depends on our ability to effectively reduce health insurance liens.
On February 25, 2020 client was struck head-on by a vehicle that crossed the center line. As a result of this accident, the vehicle was declared a total loss. The client was rushed by ambulance to the emergency room, and she sustained a broken collarbone, in addition to chest wall and rib injuries. The client was referred to an orthopedic surgeon by her primary care physician for treatment of the fractured collarbone. After a course of physical therapy, it became apparent that the fractured collarbone was not healing, and the client was forced to undergo surgery. An open reduction and internal fixation of the clavicle were performed.
Following surgery, the client underwent a round of post-operative physical therapy. The majority of the medical bills were reduced or covered by health insurance. As a result, the client’s net recovery from the liability policy was not affected by medical bills. Case settled for the policy limit of $100,000.00
T-bone accident where our client was driving straight on Route 50 and the Defendant pulled out from a side street and struck the driver’s side of our client’s vehicle. Client suffered serious injuries to his back and left hip. Our client was 25 at the time of the accident, very athletic, and in great physical condition. Erie’s offer was $80,000. Mr. Portner and Mrs. Sadler argued that during surgery the surgeon noted a significant CAM impingement. Clients inabilities and daily struggles were further argued. Erie conceded and offered the full policy.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that lost control and crashed into a tree. The impact caused our client to be seen at Sentara Hospital and then, due to the severity of his injuries, he was seen two days later at Inova Fairfax. Our client sustained a fracture to his neck, and treatment lasted for 14 months. The client’s health insurance paid for all of his treatment. Negotiations back and forth with the health insurance carrier led to them to reduce in favor of our client. Due to the nature of our client’s injuries and the limited available insurance coverage, the insurance company tendered its $100,000 limits upon request of policy limits. As a result, our client netted the majority of the liability policy. In cases with serious issues and limited liability coverage, success or failure on the Law Firm’s end depends on our ability to effectively reduce insurance liens.
After being stopped due to traffic, our client, who was on a motorcycle, proceeded with traffic on eastbound Rt.-610 N. Shenandoah. Unexpectedly, a vehicle made a left turn in front of our client with no traffic signal or right of way given, causing him to T-bone our client. The impact threw him from his motorcycle and rolled him across the vehicle. Due to the collision, our client sustained a broken ankle. After undergoing surgery for his ankle, Mr. Portner and his paralegal Heather Jung submitted the demand to both USAA and Liberty Mutual for settlement. After multiple rounds of negotiations, Mr. Portner was able to obtain a recovery of $100,000. The maximum amount available under the policies.
Our client was rear ended on interstate 495 in Montgomery County. Our client was rushed from the scene to Shady Grove Hospital. The accident occurred because the defendant was intoxicated.
Our client struck his head upon impact, and sustained a left-sided subdural hematoma. As a result, he was ultimately admitted into the ICU. He was evaluated, monitored and placed under pain management in an attempt to reduce the brain swelling. After several months he made a complete recovery.
The defendant carrier, Allstate, tendered the full $50,000 policy. Immediately thereafter the UIM carrier GEICO did the same.
Christine Phong ran an asset search on the defendant which revealed he had no assets, and several judgments against him. Therefore, pursuing him personally was not an option. Unlike Virginia, Maryland does not provide punitive damages in drunk driver accident cases like this one. Outstanding bills were reduced by Christine and the case was settled for the full policy amounts.
On March 19, 2019, the client was rear-ended at a red light, causing her to be pushed into the vehicle in front of her. As a result of this accident, the vehicle was declared a total loss. She sustained injuries to her neck, back, and shoulders.
Client was referred to physical therapy by her primary care physician for treatment of the injuries sustained in this accident. After several months of therapy, her condition did not improve. An MRI was ordered and revealed a complete tear of the right rotator cuff.
Client underwent surgical repair of the torn rotator cuff at a surgery center. After the surgery, she was required to remain in a sling for 6 weeks. She was also required to remain immobilized as much as possible and was only to perform very mild home stretching exercises. Following her 6 week immobilization, she began a course of post-operative physical therapy.
The majority of the medical bills were reduced or covered by health insurance. As a result, the client’s net recovery from the liability policy was not largely affected by medical bills.
Defendant ran a stop sign, pulled in front of our client and caused a T-bone collision. Our client was rushed to Harford Memorial Hospital and sustained a broken foot, Available insurance coverage from State Farm and Donegal totaled $100,000. Outstanding medical bills, not paid by health insurance were all written off. As a result, the client netted approximately $60,000 of the $100,000 recovery.
This rearend accident occurred on busy interstate 495 in Montgomery County. Our client was rushed from the scene to Shady Grove Hospital. The accident occurred because the defendant was intoxicated.
Our client struck his head upon impact, and sustained a left-sided subdural hematoma. As a result, he was ultimately admitted into the ICU. He was evaluated, monitored and placed under pain management in an attempt to reduce the brain swelling. After several months he made a complete recovery.
The defendant carrier, Allstate, tendered the full $50,000 policy. Immediately thereafter the UIM carrier GEICO did the same.
Christine Phong ran an asset search on the defendant which revealed he had no assets, and several judgments against him. Therefore, pursuing him personally was not an option. Unlike Virginia, Maryland does not provide punitive damages in drunk driver accident cases like this one. Outstanding bills were reduced by Christine and the case was settled for the full policy amounts.
Prior to suit Allstate offered Mr. Portner it’s full policy of $30,000 but the UIM carrier refused to offer anything. Mr. Portner moved the file to litigation. The claim ultimately settled at the Settlement Conference during litigation. The UIM carrier claimed they had the medicals peer reviewed and injuries were neither significant nor related. The carrier capitulated after months of litigation.
Our client was struck by an unlicensed driver who came into his lane while traveling full speed. He immediately suffered from low back and hip pain. He was followed by an orthopedic surgeon, chiropractor, pain management, and a neurosurgeon in an attempt to find a cure for his pain. He is still left with residual symptoms and will suffer from these injuries for the rest of his life.
This was a dual Allstate claim, we settled with both the liability and UIM policies for their policy limits.
Health insurance paid most of the bills so the client netted the majority of his settlement.
Our client was struck by an unlicensed driver who came into his lane while traveling full speed. He immediately suffered from low back and hip pain. He was followed by an orthopedic surgeon, chiropractor, pain management, and a neurosurgeon in an attempt to find a cure for his pain. He is still left with residual symptoms and will suffer from these injuries for the rest of his life.
This was a dual Allstate claim, we settled with both the liability and UIM policies for their policy limits.
Health insurance paid most of the bills so the client netted the majority of his settlement.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was totaled after being rear ended. She had many pre-existing conditions that were exacerbated by this accident. She sought treatment with a physical therapist and pain management for her injuries. After a series of injections she finally received some relief in her back and hip. She was able to recover to her pre-accident condition.
We exhausted the $25,000 policy limits of the liabiliy carrier, Sentry insurance. We pursued a UIM claim through her Geico policy to recover the additional settlement amount to get her a fair offer.
Her Delaware PIP paid most of the bills and did not subrogate, so the client netted over $60,000 of her settlement.
Our client was riding his motorcycle in Baltimore County when the defendant took his right of way and struck him in an intersection. He suffered from 2 crushed fingers and a broken left thumb. He underwent 2 separate procedures to repair his thumb. He missed almost 2 months of work while his thumb was healing. He is still left with residual symptoms and will suffer from these injuries for the rest of his life.
Policy limits were exhausted through the liability carrier, Geico. We pursued a UIM claim through his State Farm policy to obtain a fair recovery for his injuries since he was capped by the amount the defendant carried on their policy. Our first offer from UIM was a mere $8,110 since it is his non-dominant hand. We argued back and forth to ultimately get the UIM carrier to offer a total of $42,000.
Health insurance paid most of the bills so the client netted the majority of his settlement.
Our client was attending a homecoming event at a local high school when a light fixture fell from the ceiling and landed on her head. She sustained a “severe concussion”. In fact, as a result, of the concussion she had to withdraw from classes and spent the next two years experiencing difficulty concentrating and headaches.
The carrier did not value the concussion properly pre-suit and offered only $50,000. After suit was filed in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Jonathan Portner was able to settle the claim for $90,826
Plaintiff was driving on VA-28 Sully Road and was rear-ended. He sustained a severe concussion resulting in nausea and dizziness. In addition, he sustained a spleen laceration. The defendant carrier argued that the only medical treatment was at the Reston Hospital, and argued that the bill was inflated. After the threat of litigation, the case was resolved by Mr. Portner for the available insurance coverage of $75,000. Health insurance paid the entire medical bill and under Virginia law, the liability carrier had no right to subrogation.
Client was involved in a York County, VA auto accident where he was first rear-ended, then side-swiped by the defendant. The impact left our client with significant injuries to his neck, back, and hips, after almost a year and a half of medical treatment, it was time to settle his claim. After Mrs. Airey submitted his claim to Farmers Insurance, Mr. Rahi stepped in and filed suit in the Circuit Court of York County Virginia. Mr. Rahi was able to obtain $50,000 from Farmers, and found an additional $25,000 through UM coverage with Meadowbrook Claims. The case settled only because the carrier was aware of a jury trial scheduled within a month.
Our client was traveling on Interstate 95 near Fredericksburg Virginia when she was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer. She sustained left chest wall contusions, radiating neck and back pain. The carrier argued that the injuries did not warrant paying more than the medicals. Mr. Portner argued that the carrier and his client was fortunate the injuries were not more severe. Nevertheless, they were slow to resolve. The case settled for $65,000.
Client was injured when he was driving a company rented vehicle, said someone cut him off and he lost control and went off the road into a building. Client worked for J & K Moving at the time and severally broke his leg which consisted of an open fracture of the shaft of the left tibia, fracture of the upper shaft of the upper end of the right tibia and fracture of the upper end of the left tibia that required numerous surgeries and in-patient rehab. He was paid TTD until such time that his surgeon released him to return to work light duty. Settlement negotiations began in May and a settlement agreement was reached in August to close his case out full and final.
On the afternoon of November 10, 2009 the Plaintiff was attempting to board a bus owned by the Defendant, WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority) near the 8800 block of Colesville Road in Silver Spring, Maryland. As the Metro Bus came to a stop, it opened its doors and passengers began to get on. As the Plaintiff was beginning to climb onto the Bus, the driver inexplicably closed the door and knocked the Plaintiff off of the first step and onto the ground.
The Plaintiff got back onto the Bus and finished her trip. Several days later, she reported to local clinic with neck and back pain, as well as headaches. Ultimately she was diagnosed with strains to her neck and back, as well as post traumatic headaches.
The Defendants denied the occurrence ever took place. At trial, WMATA presented the testimony of the bus driver who denied ever seeing the Plaintiff. Additionally, WMATA presented the court with documentation which showed that no claim was made for over 6 days following the accident.
After deliberation, the Montgomery County District Court found in favor of the Plaintiff and awarded her damages in the amount of $10,000.00.
Plaintiff was travelling as a passenger on a WMATA bus when it suddenly and without warning made a prompt short left turn and struck a sign in the roadway.
Injuries: soft tissue as well as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision.
Medical expenses + other damages: $5,400.00 and the Plaintiff incurred no lost wages.
Initial offer from WMATA: $1,500.00 and the case settled for $9,650.99
Fairfax, Virginia worker's compensation and accident claim. A lawsuit was filed for the auto case. The issue centered on resolving the permanency claim and reducing the lien. Comp issues needed to be resolved first. Claim resolution centered around the Firms ability to reduce the workers’ comp lien by more than 50%.
Synopsis: Went to back to get another clothing rack to restock when I tried to move it out of the back room I slipped and fell on a wet spot.
Synopsis: Trying to lift some cardboard signs in stock room when I felt a pain in my lower back.
Injuries: Back. The MRI revealed a disc herniation. This Spanish speaking Columbia, Maryland Workers' Compensation injury victim did not require surgery.
Treatment: Orthopedic, Physical Therapy, MRI's
Insurance Company: Macy's Inc.
Agreement of Final Compromise and Settlement: $27,000.00 (Two hearings in this Columbia Maryland workers' compensation case were necessary before an agreement could be reached)
Synopsis: Slipped and fell while cooking.
Injuries: Back. The MRI revealed a disc herniation. This Spanish-speaking Glen Burnie, Maryland Workers' Compensation injury victim did not require surgery.
Treatment: Orthopedic Surgeon, Physical Therapy, MRI's
Insurance Company: Sedgwick Claims
Agreement of Final Compromise and Settlement: $16,200.00
Plaintiff was 31 weeks pregnant and presented to the hospital with concerns that her water broke. She was informed by the staff that everything looked fine with the baby, she was released and sent home. The next morning, she presented back to labor and delivery indicating no movement with the baby. Mr. Portner contended that if a sonogram had been done the day before the baby would have been delivered healthy at that time. The case settled for $400,000.
Maryland Medical Malpractice Settled Prior to Trial for $400,000
Our client was rearended in a moderate impact. She did not go to the hospital due to COVID concerns (D/A 12/18/2019). Thereafter, she experienced worsening back pain.
Our clients condition worsening condition necessitated spine fusion at L4 and L5 at Fauquier Hospital. Allstate was not convinced the need for surgery was caused by the accident. Suit was filed in Warren County Circuit Court. The case recently resolved before trial for $400,000.
In this case, our client was lawfully crossing the street, at an intersection with a signal, when the Defendant failed to yield and struck him. He was taken immediately by ambulance and suffered a broken leg and eight broken bones. Our client still has difficulty walking and bending. The insurance company initially offered $225,000, claiming that was their best offer. After arguing that our client’s condition was permanent, Nationwide moved to $275,000. After additional information about how our client still has difficulty walking and bending, Nationwide offered $295,000, which was nearly the policy limit of $ 400,000.
Anne Arundel County rear-end collision. Client experienced significant back pain resulting in a spinal fusion. Client had an excellent recovery from surgery. Medicals totaled approximately $100,000. Lora from our office was able to get the medical lien reduced by over 50%. Pre-suit offer was $75,000.
Our clients, mother and daughter, were walking in a crosswalk, in broad daylight, in Leesburg, Virginia. A vehicle that had stopped to let them cross, was immediately rearended. The first vehicle was then propelled into both of our clients.
Mom was pinned under the vehicle, and then rushed to Loudoun Hospital. She sustained nine different rib fractures, as well as fractures at L4 and L5. Medicals totalled under $60,000, no surgery was required. USAA ultimately agreed that despite the lack of any surgery, and low medical expenses, the injuries were devasting to her entire body and left our client incapacitated for a period of time after the pedestrian accident. This part of the case resolved for $220,000.
Our clients daughter sustained significant lower body trauma. She was also rushed to Loudoun Hospital. The hospital bill was significant. This case resolved for $60,000.
Most of the bills were covered by outside insurance and therefore our clients were able to net the majority of this recovery.
Claim against Federated Insurance Company. Fairfax County, Virginia accident case. Liability dispute. Defense claimed they had a witness statement that indicated our client was liable. In short, they believe it proved contributory negligence and they would win at trial. After all the witnesses were deposed by Mr. Ruby, the carrier reversed its position and settled the claim.
Our client was delivering Chinese food to a home in Montgomery County. As soon as he approached the property, he was attacked by the customer's bulldog. The dog bit into our client's ear causing him to almost lose half of the right ear. Several surgeries were required to repair the ear. The majority of the medical bills were paid by health insurance and then reduced. The case was resolved by Christine Phong and Jonathan Portner in March, for Allstate’s policy of $100,000.
Carrier: Agency Insurance CompanyPortner & Shure settled a pedestrian accident case in Fairfax, Virginia. The incident happened in July 2015 at the entrance ramp for I-495 as our client was in a marked crosswalk. The Defendant failed to see our client as he was crossing in the crosswalk and struck him directly. Our client suffered severe injuries and spent significant time in the hospital. He was diagnosed with a hip fracture and other injuries. He had close to $500,000 in total medical bills. The Defendant’s policy limit was only $100,000, our paralegals and attorneys had to work tirelessly to get reductions from the hospitals. After a long process of trying to obtain these reductions in order to get our client compensation, we managed to work it out so that our client would net $52,519.38. This was an excellent result considering that we were extremely limited by the low policy limit.
Plaintiff had significant injuries and medical bills as a result of this Baltimore City, MD accident. State Farm claimed the majority were not related. Immediately after taking this case, Mr. Portner had Mr. Ruby file a lawsuit. After the client’s deposition, the case settled for the policy. Lora was then able to get the medical liens drastically reduced.
Plaintiff was driving on Falls Road around a blind curve and hit the back of a tour bus. The bus was stuck and had not used the proper cones to mark that it was out of commission. Plaintiff was traveling twenty miles over the posted speed limit and may have been texting prior to the collision. Defendant argued that contributory negligence served as a bar to recovery. Mr. Portner argued that the blind curve weakened the contributory negligence argument, at least to a factual dispute. Case resolved for $100,000
Slip and fall at Giant. Client injured her knee due to leaky water from a broken freezer. Presuit offer was $68,000. Suit was filed in the Circuit Court for Fairfax County, VA. Case settled for $100,000 approximately one more prior to trial.
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